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 Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)

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5 participants
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Nombre de messages : 1278
Age : 57
Localisation : le havre
Emploi : agent de maitrise
Loisirs : les animaux
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2007

Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)   Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Orange213Ven 3 Oct 2008 - 11:56

victoire de Sheyen encore une fois à verrouiller
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Nombre de messages : 477
Age : 45
Localisation : 27
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2008

Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)   Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Orange213Ven 3 Oct 2008 - 14:01

Ha non autant pour moi, c'était bien bicolor que je voulais mettre (seulement, j'ai fait un copier coller de ce qu'avais iecris Kelly, car sa présentation était bien faite), donc je n'ai pas changer les noms ... Voila tout le problème de ma vie, je ne controle jamais ce que je fais ...
Rho la grosse nouille !!!

Et come j'ai trouver ta source, je ne voulais pas faire pareil cheers
en faite j'essaiyais de te traduire ça pour faire un sans faute :

Phyllobates bicolor

Geographic Range
Phyllobates bicolor inhabits the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. The Choco Indians report finding them most commonly in the Pacific River area of Western Colombia (National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1987).

Biogeographic Regions:
neotropical (native ).

Phyllobates bicolor are inhabitants of the tropical rain forests. They live colonially on the forest floor, often near small streams. They do well in the moist, humid conditions that the rainforests provide. The temperature rarely falls below 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the minimal annual rainfall is about 80 inches. Some areas may recieve as much as 400 inches of rain per year. This constant warmth and rainfall keep the habitat of Phyllobates bicolor green all year long (National Aquarium of Baltimore, 1987).

Terrestrial Biomes: rainforest .

Physical Description
Phyllobates bicolor is typically golden-yellow in color and has black flecks on its hind legs. However, the color pattern varies widely. All of the poison-dart frogs have very bright aposematic coloration. This is used as a defense mechanism to warm potential predators of there extreme toxicity. These skin toxins are produced by special poison glands which are scattered all over the animal's body (National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1987). Phyllobates bicolor has terminal discs on its digits that allow them to climb well in shrubs and up mossy tree trunks (Mattison, 1987). Unlike males of most frog species, which are smaller than the females, male poison-dart frogs are relatively the same size when compared to the females (Badger et al, 1995).

Most populations of Phyllobates bicolor breed continuously througout the rainy season, some every other month or even more frequently. In order to attract a female, the male will sit on a leaf and call by trilling or buzzing. This may go on for several days. Once a female is attracted, the mating pair must find a suitable location to lay their eggs. In some species, the male will select a location for the eggs prior to obtaining a mate. They are usually laid in a moist place, such as, in the leaf litter, under rocks, or even on certain rain forest plants (National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1987). Phyllobates bicolor have external fertilization with the male fertilizing the eggs as the female deposits them. During amplexus, the male has to clasp his mate under her chin instead of around her waist due to the similarities in size between the males and females (Badger et al, 1995). The female lays from 4-30 eggs in a jelly-like mass, which keeps them moist. Then, they are usually gaurded by either parent until they are ready to hatch. At this point in their development, water is required. The attending parent will squat in the gelatinous mass and allow the young to wriggle up his/her legs and onto their back. The larvae may remain on the adult's back for a few minutes or for several hours. The young are firmly attached by a mucous secretion which is only broken down by the immersion in water (Mattison, 1987). The parent will take the tadpoles to a suitable body of water where they are able to continue their development. This may consist of a puddle in a tree hole or a water holding plant such as a bromelaid or the leaf axils of palms or aroids. It takes about 3 weeks for the tadpoles to complete metamorphosis. After this time, the young will return back to their natural arboreal or terrestrial habitat (Badger et al, 1995).

Phyllobates bicolor is active during the day and are very lively foragers. They move in short hops and are rarely still for more than a second or two (Mattison, 1987). During breeding season, when the male Phyllobates bicolor is calling for his mate, if another male responds, the calling male will attempt to evict him from the area using aggressive force. They will engage in ritualized wrestling bouts with one another typically while on their hind legs (Badger et al, 1995).

Geographic Range
Phyllobates bicolor inhabits the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. The Choco Indians report finding them most commonly in the Pacific River area of Western Colombia (National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1987).

Biogeographic Regions:
neotropical (native ).

Phyllobates bicolor are inhabitants of the tropical rain forests. They live colonially on the forest floor, often near small streams. They do well in the moist, humid conditions that the rainforests provide. The temperature rarely falls below 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the minimal annual rainfall is about 80 inches. Some areas may recieve as much as 400 inches of rain per year. This constant warmth and rainfall keep the habitat of Phyllobates bicolor green all year long (National Aquarium of Baltimore, 1987).

Terrestrial Biomes:
rainforest .

Physical Description
Phyllobates bicolor is typically golden-yellow in color and has black flecks on its hind legs. However, the color pattern varies widely. All of the poison-dart frogs have very bright aposematic coloration. This is used as a defense mechanism to warm potential predators of there extreme toxicity. These skin toxins are produced by special poison glands which are scattered all over the animal's body (National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1987). Phyllobates bicolor has terminal discs on its digits that allow them to climb well in shrubs and up mossy tree trunks (Mattison, 1987). Unlike males of most frog species, which are smaller than the females, male poison-dart frogs are relatively the same size when compared to the females (Badger et al, 1995).

Most populations of Phyllobates bicolor breed continuously througout the rainy season, some every other month or even more frequently. In order to attract a female, the male will sit on a leaf and call by trilling or buzzing. This may go on for several days. Once a female is attracted, the mating pair must find a suitable location to lay their eggs. In some species, the male will select a location for the eggs prior to obtaining a mate. They are usually laid in a moist place, such as, in the leaf litter, under rocks, or even on certain rain forest plants (National Aquarium in Baltimore, 1987). Phyllobates bicolor have external fertilization with the male fertilizing the eggs as the female deposits them. During amplexus, the male has to clasp his mate under her chin instead of around her waist due to the similarities in size between the males and females (Badger et al, 1995). The female lays from 4-30 eggs in a jelly-like mass, which keeps them moist. Then, they are usually gaurded by either parent until they are ready to hatch. At this point in their development, water is required. The attending parent will squat in the gelatinous mass and allow the young to wriggle up his/her legs and onto their back. The larvae may remain on the adult's back for a few minutes or for several hours. The young are firmly attached by a mucous secretion which is only broken down by the immersion in water (Mattison, 1987). The parent will take the tadpoles to a suitable body of water where they are able to continue their development. This may consist of a puddle in a tree hole or a water holding plant such as a bromelaid or the leaf axils of palms or aroids. It takes about 3 weeks for the tadpoles to complete metamorphosis. After this time, the young will return back to their natural arboreal or terrestrial habitat (Badger et al, 1995).

Phyllobates bicolor is active during the day and are very lively foragers. They move in short hops and are rarely still for more than a second or two (Mattison, 1987). During breeding season, when the male Phyllobates bicolor is calling for his mate, if another male responds, the calling male will attempt to evict him from the area using aggressive force. They will engage in ritualized wrestling bouts with one another typically while on their hind legs (Badger et al, 1995).

LaughingQuizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Medium

Tu vois je suis fortiche quand même !!!
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Nombre de messages : 1278
Age : 57
Localisation : le havre
Emploi : agent de maitrise
Loisirs : les animaux
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2007

Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)   Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Orange213Ven 3 Oct 2008 - 14:18

ouai pour une ...... c'est toi qui l'a dis lol!
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Nombre de messages : 477
Age : 45
Localisation : 27
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2008

Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)   Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Orange213Ven 3 Oct 2008 - 14:43

wé, et j'assume pleinenement lol! !!

Bon allez a moi de jouer ...
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Nombre de messages : 1278
Age : 57
Localisation : le havre
Emploi : agent de maitrise
Loisirs : les animaux
Date d'inscription : 22/06/2007

Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)   Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Orange213Ven 3 Oct 2008 - 15:02

fini de rigoler on va bosser
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Nombre de messages : 2255
Age : 45
Localisation : eure
Loisirs : Moto (The Harley),Muscul,footing,basket-ball (ancien entraineur),Foot Us,Poker
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2006

Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)   Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Orange213Ven 3 Oct 2008 - 21:22

ok bien joué !!
tiens sheyen fais nous une fiche d'elevage sur cette petite grenouille!!
merci d'avance!!
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Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)   Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor) - Page 2 Orange213

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Quizz 59 d'Olivier (vict Sheyen->phyllobates bicolor)
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